Tuesday 5 February 2013

Good Morning baby

Good morning baby! Had a really bad sleep yesterday because I keep waking up and looking around. I tried to dream back about our family with the 2 kids but I can't. It's so sad. My heart is very painful that time but nothing I can do. I wanted to message you but I realise that doing that will just makes you hate me more.

Then I just open my phone and look at our photos, recalling back all the wonderful memories we had. I still remember the first night I sleep at your sisters house. You came down and sleep with me on the floor and we just started......... With the door not locked!! OMG! It's such a risk we take. But we were very happy. Maybe it's just me who is very happy being with you. It's not that intimate moment I am seeking with you. It's the love feelings that makes it all so wonderful. I have never loved somebody so deeply in my heart. Imagine how many days now since our break up? Exactly 40 days now. And I have never stopped loving you.

We can always fall in love easily but it actually takes forever to forget if you have found your one true love. The only person who meant so much to you in your life. Although our days are not years, just months, but the memories alone is enough to create a long lasting impact in our life. We may be happy chatting and being with others, just like me. I am chatting with other people now. But do they mean anything to you? I can feel comfortable for a while but in the end, the person that I thought of lastly before I sleep is you and the first person I think of when I woke up, is also you. Nothing can change this. So I am not falling in love again. Nor starting any new relationship. I just want to love you alone wholeheartedly.

My Indonesian colleagues will pick me up at 10.30 to start my long hours meeting. I really misses you. Daughter and madagascar son says good morning to you too. They wanted to talk to you. But no more chance I guess. I regret everyday I woke up that things turn out this way. But again, this is because I love you too much. My characters will eventually change as it has now. Since you're no longer with me, I don't really care much about whether who you going out with and where you are. All I really care is whether you are happy and whether you will be back to me one day. I really wishes to give you a tight hug and just tell you, Baby, thanks for returning. I will make sure you never will have the excuse to leave me again. Trust me that everything is going to be perfectly fine and your choice will never be wrong." I hope I can have that chance to say this to you one day.

I love you baby. Few more days before you go to Singapore. I hope you enjoy yourself. I will miss you deeply.

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