Tuesday 5 February 2013

The Amazing trip

Baby, it's 9.20 am now and I am preparing to go down to meet up with my colleagues from Indonesia. I just thought of, all the times we spend together and all the trips we have been together. It's exactly 1 week from the Maldives trip and I know I may sound stupid because you have repeatedly said to me that you will never ever come back to me again.

I have never change your ticket or even think of inviting other girls to go with me. All I want is that you will be able to join this trip with me and forget all the sadness behind. I know there is still love between us, even though you are very strict and firm in saying "NO". But I have known you for not so long but my senses are almost always correct and I wanted to believe in this that you still love me. If not, we wouldn't have cried so badly when we see each other again all the time. This feeling will never leave us and each time we see each other again, it's like we are falling in love again.

Baby, I will pray really hard for this 6 days that you will change your mind and consider going to Maldives with me. You may not read this post but I sincerely hope that you can join me and that god will be in my favour too. This is not about the money and I don't really mind wasting it even if you don't come but I just want to have a beautiful memory with you because I know, we will be very happy if we are going to be together again. I can really promise you that this time. But I won't force you as the decision is ultimately yours. If you are already with him, then I just wish you all the happiness but I will never stop praying for the miracles to happen. This is all I can do now. Wait, wait and just wait.

I love you baby, Let's create some really happy and romantic moments together in Maldives. I believe this will be the start of a never ending love that will eventually lead us to holding each others hand till we are old. Trust me and trust yourself. I am not crazy. if not I would have done a lot of things to you when I see you and when I don't see you. I just say it out because of wanting your attention. My action is stupid but nevertheless this is love.

Take care and I will pray for your return and hopefully in this 6 days, miracles will happen to us. Are you really happy with him? Do you still think of me when you're with him? Nevertheless he can help you in your work but you wouldn't want to do this forever. I know you wanted to get marry and just live a peaceful life. I can help you and maybe he can too. but who you wanted to spend the rest of your life with? I hope you can choose yourself your happiness ultimately and carefully.

Love you always baby. I am leaving for my meetings now.

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