Sunday 3 February 2013

The Forgiveness Day

I spend the whole of yesterday afternoon with a few friends, and 1 new female friend doing some shopping and searching for gifts for my beloved Jayden, Mason and Kingston. I also searched the entire One Utama Mall for a suitable CNY hamper. It was so hard as most of the hampers doesn't have the things I wanted for old people. So I had to spend at least 2 hours in doing this and a further 1 hour ++ searching for toys and shirts for the 3 prince.

I miss them so much and perhaps don't even have the chance to meet them again. I really hope to be apart of that family with her and had our own cute, handsome and pretty kids. I am sure our mix would be an incredible. I am a little proud of myself in this regards and my gorgeous and pretty Ashley Baby. I really misses her now when I type this and my heart felt the pain again but I am beginning to ignore the pain and concentrate on loving her more with the happy memories that she has left behind.

In the end, I bought a hamper for her dad and mum and some toys and shirts for the 3 young prince. I adore them and love them so much and hope god, that one day, you would grant me the wish. From now onwards, my birthday wish for the next year and the year after and every year after that would be to be with you again. I will never stop loving you even if you no longer love me and if you have a family. I have made a promise to love you forever and I will keep to that. I want to tell you that love can change a person and love can be really wonderful even if the other person is not around. I will survive and live as happy as possible although recalling bad the memories sometimes brings back tears and heartbreak moment but I will accept the reality of if and sincerely wish you happiness.

So, back to the forgiveness day, last night, I went to Tropicana Mall after went shopping in One Utama to bought the favourite combination of fruit juice for her. She likes the combination of Apple, Orange and Yoghurt. It tasted really delicious. The lady that always make the juice for me ask me where is she? I sadly said that I already lost her and she is no longer here. She is just very shocked and said , "tak mungkin la. Mana mungkin, adik jangan tipu ya.. U dua nampak sangat secocok dan loving" I nearly cried listening to it because I am writing the card on the table for her mum and dad for the hamper while waiting for them to prepare the juice. I just said to them that it's real. We really did broke up and we are no longer together. But I still love her very much. then she said "kalau suka dia, kenapa tak try untuk together?" I just said, it's not my wish anymore and I can't control what she thinks and I did a terrible mistakes in the past. Sigh, things are really messy but life still goes on.

Anyway, I asked one of the guy in the MBG stall to help me send the juice and all the hampers and gifts and he did. He called back saying that all has been delivered and nothing said by them. I am happy that at least they didn't really reject the items. The most surprising part here is that her mum called and said thanks for the gifts and they have FORGIVEN ME! I am so happy and they even said next time don't waste money anymore but I said I really love the 3 prince and like to be part of the family. I really felt like a family when being with them. I will never forget that feeling and will continue to love Ashley forever.

Baby, life goes on and the world will keep spinning. As long as the world spins, my love to you will remain the same. It will never change and I will think of you before I sleep and when I wake up, you will be the first on my mind everyday. I will never forget that. I love you baby.

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