Sunday 3 February 2013

When your judgements are being interupted

Last night, I made a silly judgement and really it spoiled everything all over again. I really hated myself for being such an idiot. You know you know love her so much. Why the hell did you keep on insulting her? You yourself know she won't do that but why keep saying all those stuff to her. Do you know that hurts her and all the efforts you have put into restoring this relationship? DYLAN!!! Wake up!! Don't ever repeat this mistake again or forever and ever she will only hate you.

This judgement forces her to make a decision which changes my life entirely. She decided to accept him today. But despite all this, I still love her so much and vow to wait for her. Even if it takes forever, I will wait. I will not give up because I have my promises to keep. That I will protect her and keep her happy always. I love her so much. This is the only thing I can do.

I hope one day, we will be reunited again, although the chances are slim. I don't mind waiting very long. But I hope my love and sincerity will touched her heart one day when we see each other.

I love you baby.. You will forever have my heart and I love all your family members. They are all very lovely especially your nephews.

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